IRP Herald Vol 28: The Workshop "Towards Coherent Disaster Risk Reduction Strategy Develoment, Implementation and Monitoring among the SAARC Member States"
The International Recovery Platform Herald (IRP Herald) is the periodic newsletter of the International Recovery Platform. The IRP Herald reports on IRP activities and serves as the knowledge report for the annual International Recovery Forum, as well as recovery-related content from other major conferences.
IRP Herald Volume 28 serves as the knowledge report for the workshop “Towards Coherent Disaster Risk Reduction Strategy Development, Implementation and Monitoring among the SAARC Member States. It provides a synopsis of the session on post-disaster housing reconstruction, organized by IRP for the workshop, including highlights of the key messages and discussions, and case studies presented by the expert panel featuring ADPC, ADB, UNDRR, JICA, and SEEDS. It also reports on the session organized by the IRP Steering Committee Chair and Co-Chair at the World Reconstruction Conference 4: "Fostering Social Inclusion through Culture in City Reconstruction".