Sri Lanka

Latest documents, news and publications

International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction
Documents and publications
This paper aims to understand the challenges arising in individual post-disaster recovery (PDR) phases and how they contribute to overall recovery progress, using the 2016 and 2017 floods and landslides in Sri Lanka as the case study.
Documents and publications
Case Study
This paper discusses, in the form of a case study, the resettlement process of Aranayake that took place in 2016. In Aranayake, 512 families have resettled at ten relocation sites or at their own residences.
Documents and publications

This issue of is titled ‘Perspectives on the Pandemic: COVID-19 in South Asia’ and brings forth different perspectives on managing the COVID-19 outbreak in South Asia. South Asia is unlike other regions in the world, it is

Documents and publications
PDNA Guidance
This manual describes how the rapid needs assessment(RNA) process is organized, activated and managed during disasters. It illustrates how assessment information is compiled and disseminated.
Documents and publications
PDNA Guidance
This guidance note was drafted to document lessons learned in the three project countries (Nepal, Sri Lanka, Côte d'Ivoire) and in doing so, it provides a step-by-step practical guide for countries in post-crisis situations to undertake Post-Crisis Integrated Strategic Environmental Assessments (Integrated SEA). The Integrated SEA approach builds upon current SEA practices, while placing greater emphasis on integrating disaster risk and climate change impacts into a participatory data collection, mapping and planning process.
Documents and publications
PDNA Guidance
This Post-Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA) review is the first instance of the participating institutions assessing the demonstrated effectiveness of PDNAs as the practice has evolved over the 55 post-disaster assessments conducted since 2008.
Documents and publications

This report briefly summarises the approach to community-managed DRR at the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) in Asia, throughout assessment, planning and resource mobilisation phases to improve preparedness, response and recovery in India

Documents and publications
DRF - Disaster Recovery Frameworks
The PDRP specifies priority recovery needs and financial requirements, embedded in nine key sectors and three cross-cutting areas. It is expected to ensure that recovery is resilient and supports the development agenda of the country.

Further DRR country-level resources

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