When disasters strike, they often present complex and uncertain conditions that leave disaster management practitioners in a state of dilemma. Under such circumstances, practitioners will need to innovate, apply and develop project management and other multidisciplinary strategies to manage the complexities. Challenges which include funding gaps; inadequate institutional capacity and policy framework; failure to integrate vulnerable populations in reconstruction and development works) amongst others, also act as barriers to achieving effective and inclusive disaster reconstruction and recovery actions. Preparing for effective response, recovery and reconstruction, therefore, become crucial.
This short course explores approaches for ‘building back better’ in recovery, reconstruction, and rehabilitation. Furthermore, priority 4 of the Sendai framework for disaster risk reduction – enhancing disaster preparedness for effective response and to “Build Back Better” in recovery, rehabilitation, and reconstruction for ease of implementation at all levels will be deconstructed. At the end of this short course, participants will be able to align post-disaster activities to sustainable development goals relevant.
This professional short course is intended for decision-makers from local governments, representatives of emergency service providers (e.g. national governments, private sector and NGOs) and individuals who are involved in the disaster risk reduction and resilience sectors.
To register please click on the link below.