Post-Disaster Needs Assessments (PDNA)
A Post-Disaster Needs Assessment and Recovery Framework (PDNA/RF) together comprise an approach to harmonize the assessment, analysis and prioritization of damages, losses and needs by a range of stakeholders (United Nations agencies and programmes, the World Bank, donors, non-governmental organizations) in support of the national government.
PDNA is a government-led exercise, with integrated support from the United Nations, the European Commission, the World Bank and other national and international actors. A PDNA pulls together information into a single, consolidated report, information on the physical impacts of a disaster, the economic value of the damages and losses, the human impacts as experienced by the affected population, and the resulting early and long-term recovery needs and priorities.
A Post-Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA) encompasses two perspectives: (i) the valuation of physical damages and economic losses; and, (ii) the identification of human recovery needs based on information obtained from the affected population. These perspectives are integrated into a single assessment process to support the identification and selection of response options covering recovery interventions from early- to long-term recovery in a Recovery Framework (RF).
A PDNA should commence as soon as possible after the disaster onset, ideally within the first weeks. A first objective for the PDNA is to support the elaboration of the Recovery Framework in time for the revision of a humanitarian flash appeal - normally within five to six weeks following the onset of a disaster. This provides the foundation for more in-depth assessments, ongoing recovery and transition to development as the Recovery Framework continues to be more fully elaborated. Needs identified by the PDNA beyond national capacity may be used as an evidence base for the mobilization of further international resources in support of recovery, e.g. in connection with an international donor conference in response to the disaster.
What is a PDNA?
The Post Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA) is a government-led exercise that pulls together information on the impacts of a disaster from a broad range of sectors, cross-cutting themes and perspectives into one comprehensive report. The PDNA encompasses information on the value of the damages and losses as well as the human development needs among affected populations. The output of the PDNA is the Recovery Framework outlining early to long-term recovery needs, priorities and resource requirements. The PDNA is the modality to maximize coherence in order to a) ensure government leadership in recovery assessments, planning and resourcing and b) ease the coordination of demands by international organizations on governments dealing with natural catastrophes.
When will a PDNA begin?
The time frame of the PDNA will be determined by each National Government. The PDNA initiates once a National Government approaches the PDNA partners with a request for the assessment. The PDNA planning mission would commence as soon as possible.
Who is responsible for the PDNA?
The PDNA is a government-led process. National and International organizations provide technical support.
How is the PDNA managed?
The PDNA is governed by a tripartite agreement between the World Bank, the UN system and the European Commission (EC).