IRP Herald Volume 38 is the knowledge report for a Focus Day Session at the Understanding RIsk Global Forum 2024 : A roadmap to Scale up Progress with Risk-informed Recovery.
To support national planning and international advocacy, this report provides policy-makers in Somalia with new estimates of current and potential future climate-attributable losses and damages.
The ANU Disaster Solutions Update and Roundtable 2024 aims to identify the key challenges regarding funding for resilience, recovery, and insurance; and discuss the research to address financing challenges.
This insight paper aims to support policymakers and practitioners as they seek to scale up financial protection against climate-related shocks through sovereign insurance solutions.
This paper introduces a community-based participatory research program implemented through cooperation between universities and local communities after the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake. I
The Queensland (Australia) 2023-24 State Recovery and Resilience Plan (the Plan) covers 13 disaster events and captures the diversity, breadth and extent of disasters for the entire season.
This Global Rapid Post-Disaster Damage Estimation (GRADE) report provides a synopsis of the estimated direct economic damage in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG) due to the passage Hurricane Beryl.