Advancement of Recovery Initiatives for Safer Ethiopia (ARISE) - Process documentation, best practices and lessons identified
The publication on good practices and lessons learned are a collection of experiences gained from the participatory process and achievements from the ARISE project. The integrated provision of emergency supplies, capacity building, and process documentation is a model and experience worth sharing. The wealth of information contained in this publication is based on various project documentation, information, and perspectives of multiple stakeholders from national through to community levels. Another crucial element of the document captures the beneficiary stories, which brought up a broad range of issues, experiences, and recommendations for action.
The lessons and good practices documented in the publication are intended to facilitate the exchange of experiences. The lesson documentation evaluates and summarizes the good practices and lessons learned from the humanitarian response and recovery interventions. This knowledge product will support NDRMC to improve its procedures and standards of practice during crisis and recovery/rehabilitation settings and refine mechanisms for appropriately engage stakeholders, including the target community in cost-effective and efficient operations. Excerpts of the documents can be used by the Humanitarian and development community for awareness creation, influencing institutional changes/advocacy to achieve improved interventions in the future.