Compendium on comprehensive risk management approaches
The Executive Committee of the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage associated with Climate Change Impacts (Excom), at its 3rd meeting (April 2016), requested the secretariat to develop, in two stages, a paper-based compendium in order to deliver the expected results of activity (a) of Action Area 2 of the initial two-year workplan of the Executive Committee. 1
Further to the guidance of the Executive Committee provided to the secretariat, this compendium contains a collection of good practices and lessons learned in relation to comprehensive risk management approaches at different levels, without attempting to draw a comprehensive landscape, and taking into account the specific needs of developing countries that are particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change. The compendium also contains key findings from the two sets of questionnaires regarding national systems and/or processes currently in place for conducting and coordinating analyses of climate risk and loss and damage associated with the adverse effects of climate change, taking into account extreme and slow onset events. Those questionnaires were undertaken under Action Area 5 of the initial two-year workplan of the Executive Committee.
This compendium draws on ongoing relevant scientific and practical work in order to catalogue existing information and case studies on the topics in the context of Action Area 2.