COVID-19 impact in India
This issue of offers a detailed overview of the various direct and indirect impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in the country. India now holds the dubious distinction of having the second highest number of COVID-19 cases trailing only to the United States of America. As India settles to live with the "new normal" of rising COVID-19 cases and deaths, it is important to assess its impacts to plan for better recovery.
This issue's contents includes:
- Impact of COVID-19 on humanitarian actions in India;
- Humanitarian systemwide changes in data gathering: How virtual evidence is unfolding;
- Pandemic response: Policy review;
- COVID-19 care in India: The course to self-reliance;
- Role of communications in COVID-19 response;
- Impact of COVID-19 on environment conservation in India;
- Oxfam India's COVID-19 response;
- Challenges and opportunities in government-civil society organisations collaboration in COVID-19 pandemic response;
- Use of wisdom in pandemic responses;
- Lessons from the pandemic for building a sustainable and resilient future;
- Capacity gaps to pandemic response in villages and cities;
- Legasis role in COVID-19 response;
- COVID-19 pandemic and policy concerns;
- Impact of COVID-19 on Kachchh Pastoral Communities: Our experiences;
- Youth in India: What youth in India can learn on adaptation;
- Citizen science: Critical for achieving long term conservation goals;
- NPO response to Covid-19 in India;
- COVID-19 in Assam: A CSO view;
- Locating COVID-19 between ecology and economics; and
- Climate action: What's next for India.