Environment Sector Disaster Recovery Framework Guide
In the aftermath of a disaster or conflict, a critical follow-up to a post-disaster needs assessment (PDNA) is the elaboration of a more detailed Disaster Recovery Framework (DRF) for each sector identified in the PDNA. A DRF outlines the recovery policy, institutional arrangements and recovery cost estimates along with the project implementation mechanisms.
The Disaster Recovery Framework – Environment Guide is a companion document to the main DRF Guide, with emphasis on the environment sector. The environment sector recovery framework and priorities follow the generic steps involved in the development of a DRF and cover the (a) development of a recovery policy; (b) creation of institutional arrangements; (c) identification of financial mechanisms and (d) establishment of implementation arrangements.
This DRF–Environment Guide has been written with DRF practitioners in mind. It is more detailed than the main DRF Guide and provides stepwise guidance on the various stages of the development of environmental recovery policies, the team structure, stakeholders, etc. and walks the reader through the process of establishing a comprehensive recovery framework.
Throughout the document, many examples are provided on how similar or relevant activities have been conducted in the past. The DRF–Environment Guide also contains a number of useable templates on team formation, project planning, task management, project budgeting, etc., for the reader’s consideration as a starting point in their DRF creation. At the end of this DRF–Environment Guide, a number of free online resources and tools have been provided on various informative topics of relevance to DRF–Environment and will be of use to practitioners.