IRP Herald Vol 17: IRP Coordinated a Session on “Build Back Better” at the 7th AMCDRR
The International Recovery Platform Herald (IRP Herald) is the periodic newsletter of the International Recovery Platform. The IRP Herald reports on IRP activities and serves as the knowledge report for the annual International Recovery Forum, as well as recovery-related content from other major conferences.
IRP Herald Volume 17 is the knowledge report for the 7th Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (AMCDRR), where the IRP coordinated the session “Strategies and Actions on Build Back Better”. This edition of the IRP Herald highlights key experiences and lessons relative to the key elements of Build Back Better from six high-level speakers, including; (i) policies and strategies, (ii) institutional arrangements, (iii) financing mechanisms, and (iv) implementation arrangements and recovery management.
IRP Herald Volume 17 is available in both English and in Japanese.