IRP Herald Vol 33: International Recovery Forum 2022: Redesigning Systems for Resilience through Recovery: Assessing Progress and the Unfinished Agenda at the Midpoint of the Sendai Framework
The International Recovery Platform Herald (IRP Herald) is the periodic newsletter of the International Recovery Platform. The IRP Herald reports on IRP activities and serves as the knowledge report for the annual International Recovery Forum, as well as recovery-related content from other major conferences.
IRP Herald Volume 33 is the knowledge report for the International Recovery Forum 2022: Redesigning Systems for Resilience through Recovery: Assessing Progress and the Unfinished Agenda at the Midpoint of the Sendai Framework. The IRP Forum featured discussions reflecting back on the first six years of Sendai Framework Priority 4 implementation, considering progress, enablers, and achievements as well as persistent barriers and challenges to building back better, and what can be done to address them. Panelists also looked forward to the second half of the Sendai Framework's implementation, considering new and emerging challenges for post disaster recovery, the ways in which we must adapt and improve if we are to meet the ambitions of the Sendai Framework by 2030.