Managing risk and reducing vulnerability in humanitarian action issue no. 116, August 2014:
This issue deals with the various aspects of disaster management. It contains articles that expound upon the various measures to manage the risk of natural hazards and reduce underlying vulnerabilities. The articles address diverse topics from the field of disaster risk reduction (DRR), ranging from the impact of disasters on agricultural trade in Africa to the importance of GIS in disaster management; and from the key challenges to typhoon Haiyan recovery to empowering visually impaired women from DRR.
The content includes: (i) need for minimum standards; (ii) R!SE is important for global disaster risk reduction; (iii) impact of disasters on agricultural trade in Africa; (iv) typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda), Philippines recovery and reconstruction: key challenges; (v) changing role of national authorities in South Asia and the disaster response dialogue; (vi) Incident Command System (ICS) for crowd management; (vii) how useful is GIS in disaster management in India?; (viii) challenges of disaster risk reduction in South social work studies; (ix) achievement of Hirrak Development Center; (x) PMRDF: an experiment to bridge bharat with India; (xi) empowering visually impaired women for disaster risk reduction; (xii) reducing risk, strengthening response: the British Red Cross and its partners in South Asia.