Socioeconomic Assessment COVID-19 PDNA Ecuador
On 20 May 2020, the National Emergency Operations Committee (COE) carried out a first assessment of the effects and impacts of the COVID-19 health emergency in the country. The Technical Planning Secretariat “Planifica Ecuador” led this process, and in coordination with the social; economic and productive; natural resources, habitat and infrastructure; and, security sector cabinets, carried out the evaluation for the period between March and May 2020 using the Post-Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA) methodology.
The main outcomes of the evaluation show the severe human impact of the COVID-19 crisis in the country tied to the implementation of sanitary and social distancing measures to contain the spread of the virus. This led to the total or partial shutdown of economic activities, affecting the economy and the daily life of Ecuadorians.
Commerce, industry, tourism, transport and health sectors were most heavily affected. Among the most worrying impacts is the loss of employment and household income, a situation that has reduced purchasing power and will affect food security if necessary measures are not taken in a timely manner. These effects could increase the number of families living in poverty and extreme poverty, generating more vulnerability and inequality. The evidence implies that the country must respond to greater challenges with creativity, co-responsibility and a sense of urgency.
This report seeks to guide the public policy priorities and decisions of the national government, decentralized autonomous governments and all state functions, as well as the private sector and civil society, to work together to contain the economic downturn and protect the most vulnerable populations through a plan that contains immediate actions to reduce vulnerability and increase capacities and resilience in the short and medium term.