Namibia Socio-Economic Recovery Plan 2020
The ongoing coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic is impacting populations’ health, disrupting local businesses and forcing governments to redirect limited public funds from long-term investments to address the immediate needs in their economies and amongst their populations.
It is with the aim of contributing to Namibia’s response and recovery from the pandemic that the COVID-19 Socio-Economic Recovery Plan (SERP) has been commissioned by the United Nations System under the technical leadership of UNDP with input from all other UN Agencies in the country. As per the Socio-Economic Impact Assessment that preceded the SERP, the defined interventions of this Plan are premised on the five (5) strategic pillars of the United Nations Framework for the Immediate Socio-Economic Response to COVID-19. The pillars include: Protecting health services and systems; Protecting people; Economic recovery; Macroeconomic response and multilateral collaboration; and Social cohesion and community resilience.