National Disaster Recovery Framework (NDRF) Overview
The National Disaster Recovery Framework (NDRF), developed in conformance with Presidential Policy Directive-8, outlines the basis for a national approach to disaster recovery. The NDRF defines how we will work together to best meet the needs of individuals, families, communities and states in their ongoing efforts to prevent, protect, mitigate, respond to and recover from any disaster event
Course Objectives:At the end of this course, you should be able to:
- Describe why the NDRF was developed and its purpose.
- Describe the timelines and associated recovery elements in the NDRF Recovery Continuum.
- Describe each of the NDRF’s eight Guiding Principles.
- Describe how each of the NDRF’s Guiding Principles applies to disaster recovery.
- Describe recovery success factors.
- Describe the respective recovery roles and responsibilities of different stakeholders among different sectors of the community.
- Describe the NDRF’s Planning Principles.
- Describe local, state, tribal, and Federal recovery leadership roles and responsibilities.
- Define the term Recovery Support Function (RSF).
- Describe the mission of the RSFs.
- Explain how the RSF structure is flexible to meet different levels of post-disaster needs.