Costa Rica

Latest documents, news and publications

Documents and publications
This factsheet presents findings from an analysis of 14 Latin American countries to document the SNIPs’ response to the pandemic, as well as to draw recommendations and lessons-learned for stimulating economic recovery in a resilient manner.
Compendium of good practice on post disaster recovery in the Latin America and Caribbean Region
Documents and publications
Disaster Recovery Guidance
This compendium presents good practices in post-disaster recovery in Latin America and the Caribbean in order to spread and highlight the work and recovery processes taking place in different countries of the region.
Documents and publications

This working paper analyses the objectives and rationale of tracking public investments on disaster risk reduction (DRR). The document also looks into the methodologies adopted for tracking public investments for various cross-cutting issues and reviews

Documents and publications

This input paper is a case study review developed by the World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA) for the establishment of the Emergency Fund for Animals in Disasters in Costa Rica. The fund would provide for adequate resources to be available

Policies and plans

Con este instrumento de metodología la comisión ordena el proceso destinado a atender las emergencias que son objeto de declaratoria de emergencia nacional por parte del Poder Ejecutivo. La metodología sigue las directrices normativas y los procesos de

Documents and publications

In Spanish:

Esta edición del Boletín Actualidad CRID publica información sobre (i) el nuevo acuerdo firmado por el CRID y la Federación Internacional de Sociedades de la Cruz Roja y de la Media Luna Roja (FICR) para el desarrollo de actividades en Haití

Documents and publications
This report is a compilation of case studies and grapples with the crucial question of merging disaster management education into the broader agenda of education for sustainable development.
Documents and publications
This document is the result of a participatory process developed from April to December 2003, through national workshops and forums of analysis and proposals in the different countries of the Central American region.

Further DRR country-level resources

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