This book is intended for everyone who wants to better prepare for unforeseen situations, whether caused by natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, or wildfires, or anthropogenic disasters such as fires, workplace accidents, or pandemics.
These case studies describe institutional structures, legal frameworks, and management lessons gleaned from practical experience, providing recovery leaders with insights suited to their context, disaster scenarios, and institutional landscapes.
This guidebook is a planning tool to design, manage and assess recovery following a disaster. It describes institutional options, successful characteristics and management lessons based on real-world experience with disaster recovery operations.
This publication provides an overview of key results achieved by UN Women in terms of COVID-19 response and recovery in its programme countries and territories in Europe and Central Asia between March and August 2020.
This Post-Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA) review is the first instance of the participating institutions assessing the demonstrated effectiveness of PDNAs as the practice has evolved over the 55 post-disaster assessments conducted since 2008.
Following extremely heavy rainfall in May 2014, Serbia experienced its most severe flooding in more than a century. In the aftermath, the government conducted a recovery needs assessment (RNA) with support from the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction
This assessment provides the damages, loss, and needs across fourteen sectors impacted by the 2014 floods in Serbia. A section of the assessment covers the guiding principles for sustainable recovery and reconstruction, as well as recommendations for the country’s disaster risk management agenda.
This factsheet presents the results of a project being implemented in partnership with Serbia's Ministry of Interior to strengthen the country's disaster risk reduction (DRR) system and increase disaster resilience through improved implementation of the