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To monitor and to understand earthquake activities and to disseminate earthquake information, tsunami warning within 5 minutes after the earthquake occurance on the Indonesian territory.
To work closely with other national institutions as well as with regional institutions.
To warn the people in tsunami risk areas to evacuate to safe location in order to minimize the victims/loss of life due to tsunami.
To assure the operation of the system (Indonesian tsunami early warning system = InaTEWS) from monitoring up to tsunami warning dissemination. Setting up Tsunami Warning Infrastructure pilot project at selected areas as well as improving the preparedness and awareness (response) of the people at risk area in cooperation with other institutes. Working in cooperation with regional communities.
Tsunami Early Warning System(ICG/IOTWS, ICG/PTWS), ASEAN Sub Committee on Meteorology and Geophysics
Dr. P. J. Prih Harjadi
Suhardjono (suhardjono@bmkg.go.id)
Dr Jaya Murjaya
Dr Wandono
Titi Handayani
Developing monitoring system for earthquakes and tsunamis is one of the agency's priorities. In doing so, BMKG allocated significant budget along with the grant from Germany, Japan, China, France, USA, UNESCO, CTBTO.
Developing Indonesia Tsunami Early Warning System which has the capability to issue Tsunami Warning and also earthquake information within 5 minutes after the earthquake occurrence in all Indonesian territories. InaTEWS is also a Regional Tsunami Service Provider along with Australia and India for the Indian Ocean basin.
BMKG is a leading institute for pilot project to build a responsive and resilience community at Labuhan to face tsunami threat.
Studying paleo tsunami in the area to learn and understand which part of Labuhan had been inundated and submit the local government the result for the city plan of development.
Three successive years for tsunami drills at Labuhan: In 2012 table top simulation - 2013 Tsunami drill involving communities and school children - 2014 Tsunami drill without specific preparation. The drill will be jointly done by BMKG, Indonesia Institute for Science (LIPI), BNPB, Ministry of Home Affairs, Provincial government of Banten, District government of Pandeglang, ITB, and strongly possible supported by UNESCO.
Developing strong cooperation among ASEAN member countries as well as for the Indian basin region to manage the earthquake and tsunami activities in the region.
The Sendai Framework Voluntary Commitments (SFVC) online platform allows stakeholders to inform the public about their work on DRR. The SFVC online platform is a useful toolto know who is doing what and where for the implementation of the Sendai Framework, which could foster potential collaboration among stakeholders. All stakeholders (private sector, civil society organizations, academia, media, local governments, etc.) working on DRR can submit their commitments and report on their progress and deliverables.