IRP Herald Vol 32: IRP Participation at the 2021 Regional Platforms for Disaster Risk Reduction
The International Recovery Platform Herald (IRP Herald) is the periodic newsletter of the International Recovery Platform. The IRP Herald reports on IRP activities and serves as the knowledge report for the annual International Recovery Forum, as well as recovery-related content from other major conferences.
IRP Herald Volume 32 is the knowledge report for the International Recovery Platform-supported sessions at the Regional Platforms for Disaster Risk Reduction in 2021. This edition of the IRP Herald shares highlights from IRP sessions in the Regional Platform for the Americas and Caribbean (1-4 November 2021), Arab Regional Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction (8-11 November 2021), and the European Forum for Disaster Risk Reduction (24-26 November 2021), covering topics such as practical lessons from COVID-19 recovery needs assessment experience, preparedness for recovery in the Caribbean, building back better post-conflict, building back better from drought, and practical approaches for greening recovery.