Making Algeria resilient: achieving disaster risk reduction in the Arab States - Good practice country brief
This country brief summarizes Algeria’s efforts in planning for greater disaster resilience. Over the past decades, the country has learnt many valuable lessons from its disaster response and recovery experiences. Sustained political interest, engagement and commitment from the highest political office have given the issue of disa ster risk reduction (DRR) national prominence. Algeria has also demonstrated innovative ways in which multiple sectors can effectively integrate disaster risk considerations to realize a sustainable development agenda.
This country brief is the product of a regional exercise commissioned by UNISDR-Regional Office for Arab States with support and facilitation from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Algerian Government and UNDP Algeria. It belongs to the series "Achieving disaster risk reduction in the Arab States, good practice country brief". This series, which documents good practices from the Arab Region, aims to improve stakeholders’ understanding of the critical entry points needed to develop and integrate DRR into national strategies, policies and programs in the region.