Nepal joint assessment on food security, livelihoods and early recovery
This post-earthquake assessment on food security, livelihoods and early recovery was conducted in September and October 2015 both as a monitoring exercise and to further inform broader early recovery efforts identified as priorities in the Post-Disaster Needs Assessment, including food security, livelihoods, agriculture, service access and protection.
The preliminary results of the Joint Assessment show that there has been a significant recovery in terms of food security overall amongst the affected population. Nepali households in the assessed areas have generally demonstrated resilience and recovery since the earthquakes in Nepal. This may be in part due to well-targeted response efforts however, in the areas that are difficult to access, like high hill and rural areas, the availability of basic staples such as cereals and pulses were available across the board, but dissipate for more diversified and more expensive products such as vegetables, seeds, agricultural tools, and livestock drugs.
The report cautions that continuous monitoring of vulnerable populations is required given the lower than expected rainfall during the monsoon season, the early onset of winter, and the uncertainty of the on-going border crisis and limited import.