Pakistan floods 2022: Post-disaster needs assessment
The Pakistan Post-Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA) assesses the impact of the floods on the population, physical assets, and service delivery in 94 calamity-hit districts across Pakistan between June and October 2022. It provides a preliminary estimate of infrastructure reconstruction and service delivery restoration needs in the short, medium, and long term. Moreover, the PDNA will serve as the foundation for future analytical assessments and reports, including a resilient recovery and reconstruction strategy and a coordinated national and international effort for building back a more resilient Pakistan.
The PDNA follows a globally established and recognized damage, loss, and needs assessment methodology jointly developed by the EU, the WBG, and the UN. This methodology has been applied globally in post-disaster and conflict contexts to inform recovery and reconstruction planning. In the case of Pakistan, the PDNA approach explicitly includes opportunities to build back better and smarter guided by principles of inclusion, resilience, and sustainability.
The PDNA is structured as two reports: the (i) Main Report, including estimations on damage, loss, and needs, methodology overview, resilient recovery strategy, macroeconomic and human impacts, and a summary of sector assessments; and the (ii) Supplemental Report, including full sector assessment reports, detailed methodology, as well as a full list of contributors and credits.