Post Disaster Assessment (PDNA) Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) - Fiji WASH Sector
The overall objective of this SOP is to provide guidance/better understanding of a mechanism required to undertake a systematic and harmonized WASH Sector PDNA after a disaster event, by the Government of Fiji. This SOP includes steps for PDNA preparedness measures in the sector, such as PDNA training, baseline data collection, and data management.
Following a disaster event, emergency response and relief is required to meet the immediate needs of affected populations. It is also essential to estimate the overall impact of the disaster on the country. The impact of damage and loss at the personal and household level as at the larger socio-economic level must be assessed. The Post Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA) is a government led process which provides estimates of resources (quantified by a universally recognized methodology) required for recovery and reconstruction, identifies priorities for intervention, and guides the development of a comprehensive programme for recovery, reconstruction and risk management.