Proceedings of 2nd India disaster management congress (4-6 November 2009, Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi)
This publication reports on the discussions and outcomes from the Second India Disaster Management Congress organized by National Institute of Disaster Management (NIDM), India and held on 4-6 November, 2009 in New Delhi. The report presents a total of 26 technical sessions organized around 13 thematic clusters, including sessions on:
-- Earthquake
-- Mass movements (landslide & avalanches)
-- Flood
-- Cyclone
-- Drought
-- Industrial and chemical disasters
-- Nuclear emergencies
-- Road accidents
-- Early warning and disaster communication
-- Geo-information systems
-- Gender and disaster
-- Children and disaster
-- Mainstreaming DRR and financing disaster management
-- Involving communities
-- Civil society and NGOs in disaster management
-- Education, training and capacity building for disaster management
-- Role of armed forces, NDRF, police and civil defence
-- Incident command system
-- Public health emergencies and mass-casualty management
-- Disaster psychosocial care and mental health
-- Pandemics
-- Climate change
-- Urban risk mitigation
-- Corporate sector in disaster management
-- Role of media and disaster management
-- Post-disaster recovery and reconstruction