Small Island Developing States Accelerated Modalities of Action (Samoa Pathway)
An official document formally adopted by UN Member States as the outcome of the Third International Conference on Small Island Developing States, in which countries recognize the need to support and invest in these nations so they can achieve sustainable development.
The paragraphs 51 and 52 recognize the importance of disaster risk reduction and affirm Member States' commitment to implement the Hyogo Framework for Action and to support Small Island Developing States efforts in: (i) gaining access to technical assistance and financing for early warning systems, disaster risk reduction and post-disaster response and recovery, risk assessment and data, land use and planning, observation equipment, disaster preparedness and recovery education programmes and disaster risk management; (ii) promoting cooperation and investment in disaster risk management in the public and private sectors; (iii) strengthening and supporting contingency planning and provisions for disaster preparedness and response; (iv) mainstreaming policies and programmes related to disaster risk reduction, climate change adaptation and development; (v) harmonizing national and regional reporting systems; (vi) establishing and strengthening risk insurance facilities; and (vii) increasing participation in international and regional disaster risk reduction initiatives.
The SAMOA Pathway (A/CONF.223/3) reaffirms that SIDS remain a special case for sustainable development, recognizing SIDS's ownership and leadership in overcoming these challenges. It addresses the following issues: sustained and sustainable, inclusive and equitable economic growth with decent work for all; climate change; sustainable energy; disaster risk reduction (DRR); oceans and seas; food security and nutrition; water and sanitation; sustainable transport; sustainable consumption and production (SCP); health and non-communicable diseases (NCDs); gender equality and women's empowerment; social development; biodiversity, including desertification, land degradation, drought and forests; invasive alien species (IAS); means of implementation, including partnerships, financing, trade, capacity-building, technology, data and statistics, and institutional support for SIDS; SIDS priorities for the post-2015 agenda; and monitoring and accountability.