Post Disaster Damage and Needs Assessment of the Fisheries Sector in The Bahamas
The Post Disaster Damage and Needs Assessment of the Fisheries Sector in The Bahamas analyzes the damages and losses suffered by the fisheries sector in the aftermath of Hurricane Dorian. The Bahamas is highly vulnerable to the impacts of extreme weather events given its location, climate change and variability, and the low-lying nature of its islands. Hurricane Dorian was the most damaging hurricane the Bahamas has ever seen and the costliest event for the Bahamas on record. The damages of the hurricane are estimated to have cost The Bahamas USD $3.4 billion, with hundreds dead or missing and with impacts on the economy that will last for years.
The damages to the fishery sector summed up to USD 21.7 million, affecting over 13,000 people who are dependent on the fisheries sector for employment and income. The report recommends a comprehensive assessment of the fisheries resources, the development of a management plan that takes into account the impacts of climate change, and the establishment of a disaster risk management plan for the fisheries sector. The report also recommends the promotion of alternative livelihoods and the provision of financial and technical assistance to affected communities.