International Recovery Platform

24 -25 January 2024, Kobe, Japan

The International Recovery Forum 2024

Accelerating Progress with Building Back Better: Resilient Recovery in the Face of Rising Climate Risks

IRP Forum 2024

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Documents and publications

This strategy report offers a policy-focused analysis of the world we will face once the pandemic has passed. At a time when all assumptions about the shape of Australian society and the broader global order are being challenged, there is a need to take

Documents and publications

A dos años del 19s, ante el cambio de administración en la ciudad y los cambios en la política pública frente a la reconstrucción (aún pendiente), presentamos la actualización del Manual para para la reconstrucción con dignidad.

“Prepararnos ante el

Documents and publications
This study investigates land-use decision-making practices in Christchurch, New Zealand and the surrounding region in response to the mass movement (e.g., rockfall, cliff collapses) and ground surface fault rupture hazards incurred during the 2010-2011 Canterbury earthquake sequence (CES). Rockfall fatality risk models combining hazard, exposure and vulnerability data were co-produced by earth scientists and decision-makers and formed primary evidence for risk-based land-use decision-making with adaptive capacity.

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国際復興支援プラットフォーム(IRP)は『Build Back Better(より良い復興)』に関連する知識の集約及び経験と教訓を共有するためのグローバルなパートナーシップです。

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