International Recovery Platform

23 -24 May 2022, BALI

The Fifth Edition of the World Reconstruction Conference (WRC5)

Reconstructing for a sustainable future: Building resilience through recovery in a COVID-19 Transformed World

WRC5 Logos May 27 -2

Latest additions

Documents and publications

Designed to accompany and supplement the INEE Minimum Standards, this guidance for educational sector administrators and personnel provides detailed for meeting minimum standards in teaching and learning by elaborating on analysis, content and methodology

Documents and publications

This publication tackles the long-term rebuilding of Haiti and specifically addresses the challenges in meeting the sanitation needs for the country in order to avoid the risk of a secondary disaster, in which the people who have survived the earthquake

Owner-Driven Housing Reconstruction Guidelines
Documents and publications
Disaster Recovery Guidance
The guidelines are for field practitioners planning and implementing housing reconstruction programmes. This includes members of shelter recovery/reconstruction operations such as programme managers, shelter delegates and construction delegates.

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国際復興支援プラットフォーム(IRP)は『Build Back Better(より良い復興)』に関連する知識の集約及び経験と教訓を共有するためのグローバルなパートナーシップです。

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