International Recovery Platform

23 -24 May 2022, BALI

The Fifth Edition of the World Reconstruction Conference (WRC5)

Reconstructing for a sustainable future: Building resilience through recovery in a COVID-19 Transformed World

WRC5 Logos May 27 -2

Latest additions

Post-Disaster Community Infrastructure Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Guidelines
Documents and publications
Disaster Recovery Guidance
The aim of these guidelines is to promote a change in the approach to community infrastructure, informed by emerging practices, capitalizing on the experiences and expertise in response to the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, and other recent events.
Documents and publications

The overall aim of the training package is to increase awareness on natural hazards and disaster risk reduction (DRR) to key stakeholders with knowledge on disaster management to empower the actors to support their organizations in developing disaster

Documents and publications, issue no. 83, March 2012:

This issue presents articles covering different aspects of microinsurance within the disaster risk reduction (DRR) context. The articles, contributed by experts and practitioners from DRR and insurance

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