International Recovery Platform

23 -24 May 2022, BALI

The Fifth Edition of the World Reconstruction Conference (WRC5)

Reconstructing for a sustainable future: Building resilience through recovery in a COVID-19 Transformed World

WRC5 Logos May 27 -2

Latest additions

Documents and publications
This briefing examines the challenges the city government faced, first in the immediate humanitarian response and later during the recovery and rehabilitation phases. Drawing on these experiences, it makes recommendations for local and national government and humanitarian agencies to improve their capacity for a more coordinated, efficient and sustainable response to future disasters.
Documents and publications

This report is a synthesis of the experiences, observations, and recommendations of a large group of experienced post-disaster shelter and recovery experts gathered from interviews, surveys, and direct discussions, and information derived from a desk

Documents and publications
PDNA Guidance
FEMA's Damage Assessment Operations Manual expedites decision-making and delivery of assistance by defining national standards for assessing damage and clearly outlining the information considered when evaluating requests for a major disaster declaration.

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