International Recovery Platform

24 -25 January 2024, Kobe, Japan

The International Recovery Forum 2024

Accelerating Progress with Building Back Better: Resilient Recovery in the Face of Rising Climate Risks

IRP Forum 2024

Latest additions

Educational materials

For primary school children, featuring Stan the dog and five children - Dan, Ana, Frankie, Matt and Beth - who model what to do in an emergency, around the 4 "Rs" of emergency management (reduction, readiness, response, recovery). This resource has three

Documents and publications
This report is an initial product of the IRP as it seeks to address the pressing needs of a specific audience: those government and other local officials or leaders, entrusted with the responsibilities for planning, managing and carrying out successful and resilient disaster reduction and recovery activities.
Documents and publications
This report, from the Office of the Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Tsunami Recovery, former U.S. President Bill Clinton, documents the status of the recovery effort at two years after the occurrence of the earthquake off the coast of Sumatra on December 26, 2004 and the tsunami it triggered.

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国際復興支援プラットフォーム(IRP)は『Build Back Better(より良い復興)』に関連する知識の集約及び経験と教訓を共有するためのグローバルなパートナーシップです。

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