IRF2014 Group Photo
In person

Portopia Hotel


Event Description

The discussions at the Forum will dwell on the role of private sector in disaster recovery. It will showcase primarily the experiences and lessons of private sector, including its partnership with the public sector as well as the initiatives that target the disabled, senior citizens, and other marginalized groups.

The outcome of the discussions will inform the recovery component of the post-HFA framework that will be presented at the Third World Conference on Disaster Reduction in 2015 at Sendai City, Japan.

This event will also provide venue for policymakers and practitioners to share knowledge and experience on recovery operations as well as lessons on addressing emerging challenges and gaps. The lessons that will be shared and presented in this event will serve as examples for others, as these will help accelerate learning from disasters by conscious application of these lessons to similar situations.


Date and Time: 

21 January 2014  09:30-17:30



Portopia Hotel, Kobe, Hyogo, Japan


Report on the Forum:

IRP Herald Volume 1




1. Enterprise Disaster Risk Management and Cooperation with the Government: IBM, Japan  (Slides)

2. The Role of Private Sector in the US National Recovery Framework: Roles, Expectations, and the Future:  FEMA, USA  (Slides)

3. Disaster Reduction and Recovery in the Philippines: OCD, Department of National Defense, Philippines  (Slides Part 1)  (Slides Part 2)

4. Invitation to the 3rd World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction in Sendai  (Slides)

5. The Link between Enterprise Risk Management and Disaster Management: IOE  (Slides)

6. DBJ Initiatives for Tohoku Region-wide Recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake: Development Bank of Japan Inc.  (Slides)

7. Working with Private Sector in DRR in the SAARC Region: SAARC, DMC  (Slides)

8. Towards a Public Policy for Small Business Resilience in Urban Areas: A comparative case study between Mexico and Japan: Mexico  (Slides)

9. Introduction to Recovery Framework Guidance: GFDRR/WB  (Slides)

10. Business Continuity Management (BCM) of Public and Private Sector in Japan: Tohoku University, Japan  (Slides)

11.  The Role of Private Sector in DRR in the IGAD Region: Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD)  (Slides)

12. Formulation of Area Business Continuity and Recovery Programs in Partnership of Public and Private Sector:  JICA, Japan  (Slides)




Document links last validated on: 8 February 2022

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