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TIEMS is a Global Forum for Education, Training, Certification and Policy in Emergency and Disaster Managemeent. TIEMS is dedicated to developing and bringing the benefits of modern emergency management tools, techniques and good industry practises to society for a safer world. This is acomplished through the exchange of information, methodology innovations and new technologies, to improve society's ability to avoid, mitigate, respond to, and recover from natural and man-made disasters.
TIEMS provides a platform for all stakeholders within the global emergency and disaster management community to meet, network and learn about new technical and operational methodologies. It also aims to exchange experience on good industry practises. This will influence policy makers worldwide to improve global cooperation and to establish global standards within emergency and disaster management
1. Provide a forum for policy guidance to government bodies concerning the management of emergencies and disasters
2. Raising the awareness on technical solutions involving computers, communication and information technology and social sciences to provide emergency and disaster managers with helful decision support
3. Help bring modern tools of emergency and disaster management into market place and to provide high quality emergency and disaster management industry practices around the world
4. Address emergency and disaster management in the context of its impact on the environment and society
5. Monitor the evolution of global good industry practises in emergency and disaster management
6. Establish a multi-diciplinary "all-hazards approach" to tackling emergencies and disasters
7. Bring together stakeholders such as governments, industry leaders, academics, volunteer organizations and other subject matter experts in emergency and disaster management
8. Advance awareness of research and future development concerning technologies from various divers fields such as simulation, operations research, knowledge based systems, decision support systems, information systems, psycholgy and other behavioral sciences
9. Propose, initiate, develop and participate in relevant research activities, contributing to global stadards within emergency and disaster management
10. Contribute to the improvement of educational methods and standards for emergency and disaster managers
11. Initiate and establish a quality certification process for emergency and disaster managers
12. Assist and excite students to increase global interest for emergency and disaster management studies
13. Increase society's common knowledge of risk management, potential hazards, and means and remedies to avoid and reduce the impact of, and to assure a speedy recovery from, incident, crisis, emergencies and disasters
1. Put international focus on the profession of Emergency and Disaster Management
2. Contribute to an international standard in education, training and certification in Emergency and Disaster Management
3. Contribute to the education in Emergency and Disaster Management by promoting the state of the art in technology, systems and methods available
4. Contribute to education at all levels, from policy documents to courses in primary school education
5. Establish a TIEMS Certification of Qualifications in International Emergency and Disaster Management
6. Contribute to capacity building in countries where little or no education and training in this field is available
7. Recruit international teachers and trainers to TIEMS Pool of International Teachers and Trainers
TIEMS Newsletter
TIEMS issues an electronic newsletter quarterly, which is distributed to more than 30 000 experts worldwide, with articles on global emergency and disaster management events and activities, TIEMS news, etc.
TIEMS Research and Technology Development (RTD)
Projects & Member Service
TIEMS members constitute a large international multidisciplinary group of experts, with different educational background and various experience in the field of emergency and disaster management. They represent an unique source of expertise and ideas, which is an important asset for research and development activities. TIEMS has therefore established a RTD service for its members:
1.Based on members ideas, propose RTD projects which can improve methods, systems, operations and technology in emergency and disaster management
2.Initiate RTD Consortiums where TIEMS members can participate in RTD proposals
3.Inform members of established RTD Consortiums and RTD activity where TIEMS members can participate
TIEMS RTD Member Service
TIEMS Secretariat will act as TIEMS RTD Service Coordinator with the following tasks:
1.Based on TIEMS members needs, develop a RTD plan and be responsible for the execution of the plan
2.Involve TIEMS members in RTD programs and projects
3.Develop and maintain a TIEMS RTD cooperation strategy for TIEMS members
4.Keep a dialogue with TIEMS members and involve them in planned and ongoing RTD programs and activities
5.Maintain and update the web-site information on RTD opportunities
6.Stimulate and encourage TIEMS chapters to take RTD initiatives and establish RTD activity in TIEMS chapters
1.International Conferences, Workshops and Exhibitions worldwide - TIEMS Events
2.Newsletter with latest News and Articles of interest - TIEMS Newsletter
3.Chapter activity to stimulate local initiatives and activities - TIEMS Chapters
4.Research & Development Projects and Member Service - RTD Projects
5.International Education, Training and Certification Program - TIEMS Education
6.Global Young Scientist Network - Young Scientists
7.TIEMS Library with Proceedings from TIEMS Events - TIEMS Library
TIEMS believes that one way to improve disaster preparedness and reduce consequences of disasters, is to recognize and stimulate those who do excellent work within emergency and disaster management. Also to stimulate and encourage young people to participate in this work and engage themselves in emergency and disaster management is important for the recruitment of young talents into this field. Above reasons is TIEMS motivation behind TIEMS Awards and Student Support. Today the following awards and student support are given within TIEMS:
1.Best Paper Awards at TIEMS Annual Conferences*)
2.Best Student Paper Awards at TIEMS Annual Conferences**)
3.TIEMS President Oustanding Achievement Award***)
4.TIEMS Rohrmann Student Scholarship Fund****)
TIEMS 2013 Events
Education, Communication and Networking
The present TIEMS 2013 program:
1.25th January - TIEMS Workshop in Kyoto, Japan
2.20th - 24th May - TIEMS supports CTS 2013, San Diego, USA
3.1st - 4th October - TIEMS Week 2013, in Southern France
4.30th October - 1st November - TIEMS Berlin Conference
More events are in plannning and will be announced as soon as decided. All events will be announced on their own web-page linked to this page.
TIEMS arranges conferences and workshops all over the world each year, in order to provide a platform for all stakeholders within the global emergency and disaster management community to meet, network and learn about new technical and operational methodologies, but also to exchange experience and expertise and learn from each other. TIEMS goal is through these events to influence policy makers worldwide to improve global cooperation and to establish global standards within emergency and disaster management.
The main event each year is TIEMS annual conference, where also TIEMS Annual General Meeting takes place with reports on the last year's activities and putting forward plans for the next as well as election of directors to TIEMS Board of Directors. In 2013 the plan is to make the annual event as part of TIEMS Week 2013, filling the whole week with TIEMS activities, like training and other activities in addition to the annual conference. TIEMS Week 2013 will take place in Southern France with the annual conferenec at the French Fire Brigade new training center north of Marseille.
In additiion to TIEMS Week 2013, TIEMS Chapters also arrange their local conferences and workshops in their country with focus on local emergency and disaster challenges. TIEMS also cooperate with other partners in making workshops with focus on special topics of interest.
The Sendai Framework Voluntary Commitments (SFVC) online platform allows stakeholders to inform the public about their work on DRR. The SFVC online platform is a useful toolto know who is doing what and where for the implementation of the Sendai Framework, which could foster potential collaboration among stakeholders. All stakeholders (private sector, civil society organizations, academia, media, local governments, etc.) working on DRR can submit their commitments and report on their progress and deliverables.