United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN-ESCAP)
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ESCAP is the regional development arm of the United Nations for the Asia-Pacific region. With a membership of 62 Governments, 58 of which are in the region, and a geographical scope that stretches from Turkey in the west to the Pacific island nation of Kiribati in the east, and from the Russian Federation in the north to New Zealand in the south, ESCAP is the most comprehensive of the United Nations five regional commissions.
Tsunami Regional Trust Fund
The Tsunami Regional Trust Fund was established by ESCAP in 2005. The destructive Indian Ocean Tsunami that occurred in December 2004 stressed the need for an effective regional disaster preparedness mechanism in the Indian Ocean and Southeast Asia. The Trust Fund contributes to narrowing the capacity gaps in the region and ensures the development of an integrated regional early warning system.
Contact: pmd.unescap@un.org
Website: http://www.unescap.org/pmd/tsunami_index.asp
The Sendai Framework Voluntary Commitments (SFVC) online platform allows stakeholders to inform the public about their work on DRR. The SFVC online platform is a useful toolto know who is doing what and where for the implementation of the Sendai Framework, which could foster potential collaboration among stakeholders. All stakeholders (private sector, civil society organizations, academia, media, local governments, etc.) working on DRR can submit their commitments and report on their progress and deliverables.