Employment, livelihoods and social protection: guide for recovery implementation
This guide is meant to be used after undertaking a Post-disaster needs assessment (PDNA) exercise. It aligns with the PDNA Guidelines for the estimated effects and impacts of a disaster on the cross-cutting ELSP sector, factoring in the assessed damage and loss to infrastructure, productive and social sectors.
This short, action-oriented guide aims to assist senior advisers and officials from the national, provincial and local governments, intergovernmental organizations and implementing partners in designing and executing effective responsive cross-cutting programmes. As the go-to document for ELSP recovery, the guide builds upon the assessment and multi-sector strategies offered by the PDNA Guidelines and DRF Guide for a specific disaster.
It encourages a programme-wise approach to defining sector-specific recovery actions based on identified recovery priorities. Most significantly, it helps identify viable and feasible projects and assists grouping the interventions across infrastructure, productive and social sectors by the short-, medium- and long-term employment and livelihood recovery they support and the associated social protection4 programmes.