Settlement and livelihood needs and aspirations assessment of disaster-affected and host communities in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam
This assessment was carried out with a view to providing a measured basis for the development of informed recovery and rehabilitation strategies for the province of Nanngroe Aceh Darussalam focusing on two central themes: settlement and livelihood.
The intention of the study was to determine local perspectives on the needs and aspirations of IDPs (both staying in camps and staying with host families) and their host families and communities in relation to settlement and livelihood issues. A combined qualitative and quantitative assessment was conducted both at the community and individual levels using focus group discussions and individual interviews to explore and illuminate a diverse range of opinions on the factors that influence people’s understanding and decision-making processes as they relate to the aforementioned central themes. The assessment was expected to allow for the mapping of community needs and aspirations that may be the basis for recovery and rehabilitation plans for the province by humanitarian actors in general and IOM in particular. The results of the assessment will feed into the development of strategies, inform relevant components, and reinforce the direction of the IOM programme in particular and other programmes in general, in NAD. The insights generated by the study are expected to provide the practical applicability for what IOM intends to focus on in the future in NAD to support the GoI’s plans for the province.