Post-disaster recovery plan: Sri Lanka, floods and landslides
In view of the substantial damage, losses and related recovery needs from frequent disasters affecting the Sri Lanka, the Department of National Planning (NPD) under the Sri Lanka Ministry of National Policies and Economic Affairs requested the World Bank and UNDP to assist in the development of the Post-Disaster Recovery Plan (PDRP) and Recovery Framework.
The PDRP specifies priority recovery needs and financial requirements identified by the sectoral Ministries, embedded in nine key sectors and three cross-cutting areas. It is expected to ensure that recovery is resilient and supports the development agenda of the country. The PDRP emphasizes that recovery efforts not only rebuild what was there, but will also ensure Building Back Better as a necessary condition to build a resilient nation and contribute to sustainable development.
The remaining sections of this document describe the various aspects of the Recovery Plan, including Vision, Objectives and Priorities, Policy Framework and Guidelines, Institutional and Implementation Arrangements, and Financing Needs and Gaps, along with dedicated chapters for Sectoral Recovery.