International Recovery Platform

24 -25 January 2024, Kobe, Japan

The International Recovery Forum 2024

Accelerating Progress with Building Back Better: Resilient Recovery in the Face of Rising Climate Risks

IRP Forum 2024

Latest additions

Documents and publications

This volume of papers selected from the International Conference on Flood Management (ICFM5) and by international authors, covers various aspects of the "from risk to opportunity" concept, such as flood risk management, disaster management, forecasting

Documents and publications
Case Study
This country brief summarizes Algeria’s efforts in planning for greater disaster resilience.
Documents and publications
This knowledge note focuses on various aspects of disaster risk reduction (DRR) and environmental management, including studies on: (i) developing record of school experiences from the East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami (EJET); (ii) building school-based disaster resilient community, which includes a review of past DRR activities; (iii) interlinking DRR education with Education for Sustainable Development (ESD); (iv) strengthening community network in temporary housing facilities; and (v) the role of social capital in post-disaster recovery. It is part of a series, which is expected to continue with periodical publication for the next 3 to 5 years with close insights on community recovery in the Tohoku Region, Japan.

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国際復興支援プラットフォーム(IRP)は『Build Back Better(より良い復興)』に関連する知識の集約及び経験と教訓を共有するためのグローバルなパートナーシップです。

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