Meetings and conferences

International Recovery Forum 2022: Redesigning Systems for Resilience through Recovery: Assessing Progress and the Unfinished Agenda at the Midpoint of the Sendai Framework

IRP Forum 2022

Streaming Online | Kobe International Conference Center

Event language(s)
  • English

Event Description

As the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 approaches its midpoint, the United Nations General Assembly has mandated a midterm review of its implementation, with specific reference made to assessing progress toward its core provision to “build back better”. The global pandemic, climate change, and setbacks to the Sustainable Development Goals underscore the necessity of assessing progress and challenges in building back better to date, and to collectively consider adjustments and actions necessary to implement Priority 4 moving forward.

The International Recovery Forum 2022 will provide reflections on the implementation of Priority 4 and the challenges that remain, while setting a forward-looking agenda for continued progress. It will feature retrospective and prospective discussions between recovery policymakers and experts on focused themes in recovery for enhanced implementation of building back better so that communities can recover faster, more equitably and with greater resilience from disasters.

Event details are further described in the attached event flyer and on the IRP website.

Date and Time:

Wednesday, 19 January 2022 

14:00-17:30 Japan | 0:00-3:30 Panama | 6:00-9:30 Brussels | 7:00-10:30 Cairo | 8:00-11:30 Nairobi | 12:00-15:30 Bangkok 

Location and Format:

The IRP Forum 2022 will be held in a hybrid format.

The IRP Forum will be live streamed online, while limited in-person participation will also be available at the Kobe International Conference Center (map and directions).


The Forum provides a venue for assessing progress in the implementation of Sendai Framework’s Priority for Action 4: Enhancing disaster preparedness to “Build Back Better” in recovery, rehabilitation and reconstruction and identifying opportunities to redesign systems for resilience. The program aims to deliver on the following objectives:

1. Assessing Six Years of Progress and Challenges in “Build Back Better” for Implementing the Sendai Framework

The first session will assess progress, achievements, enablers and barriers in building back better and how these have informed improvements in recovery policies, governance, programmes, and outcomes. This panel will reflect on the following:

  • What do governments and different stakeholders consider to be the most significant advances to date in enhancing preparedness to build back better in recovery, rehabilitation and reconstruction? What are the primary enablers for progress?
  • What have been key barriers to building back better?
  • How could countries and different stakeholders have been better supported in the implementation of building back better?
  • In which areas has progress been easiest, and in what areas has it been most challenging?
  • In what ways can current recovery mechanisms be improved to be able to deal with the multi-hazard, systemic nature of risk?
  • Has recovery been able to integrate disaster risk reduction towards the achievement of other goals (e.g., poverty reduction, sustainable development, climate change mitigation and adaptation)?
  • Has recovery been inclusive, focusing on an all-of-society engagement?
  • Has recovery received appropriate financing to build back better and invest in resilience?

2. Redesigning Systems for Resilience through Recovery: Setting the Agenda for Advancing “Build Back Better” through 2030

The second panel session will discuss priorities and options to advance the implementation of building back better in the context of multiple hazards and systemic risk. It will leverage advances in risk reduction in recent years and lessons from past disasters. The panel will explore ways in which countries can build back better in recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic crisis to further invest in disaster risk reduction and adaptation to cope with intensifying climate-related events and recurring disaster losses. It will identify good practices that lead to transformative and resilience actions in recovery. 

  • What priorities are necessary to make further advancements in building back better by 2030?
  • What new initiatives and partnerships will become available to governments and other stakeholders going forward?
  • How must pre-and post-recovery planning change to facilitate building back better?
  • What adjustments or critical measures must be taken to ensure that building back better is no longer treated as an option but is a practice applied to all recovery initiatives?


Report on the Forum:

IRP Forum 2022 Photos:



Opening Session

1) Mr. Ronald JACKSON, Chair of the Steering Committee of the International Recovery Platform (UNDP) (Video)

(2) Mr. SAITO Motohiko,  Governor of Hyogo Prefecture (Video)

(3) Mr. UCHIDA Yoshinari, Deputy Director General for Disaster Management, Cabinet Office, Government of Japan (Video)

(4) Ms.  Mami  MIZUTORI,  Special  Representative  of  the  United Nations  Secretary-General  (SRSG)  for  Disaster  Risk  Reduction,  Head  of  the  United Nations  Office  for  Disaster  Risk  Reduction  (UNDRR) (Video)


Keynote Session 1

(5) Mr. TAKEYA Kimio, Distinguished Technical Advisor on DRR, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) (Slides | Video)

Setting the Context for the Midterm Review

(6) Mr. Marc Gordon, Senior Coordinator of the Midterm Review of the Sendai Framework, United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR)  (Slides | Video)

(7) International Recovery Platform: Perspectives on 6 Years of Implementing Sendai Framework Priority 4 (Video)

Panel Session 1: Assessing Six Years of Progress and Challenges in Implementing of Sendai Framework Priority 4 

(8) Ms. Elizabeth Riley, Executive Director Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency CDEMA (Video)

(9) Mr. Anil Pokhrel, Chief Executive, National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Authority, Government of Nepal  (Slides | Video)

(10) Ms. Litea Biukoto, Team Leader Risk Reduction, the Pacific Community (SPC)   (Video)

(11) Mr. Nathan Nkomo, Acting Chief Director, Department of Civil Protection, Ministry of Local Government, Public Works and National Housing, Government of Zimbabwe (Slides | Video)

Launch of New Recovery Knowledge Products 

(12) UNDP - Launch of Handbooks on Recovery Institutions & Owner-Driven Housing Reconstruction (Video)

Keynote Session 2

(13) Ms. Cynthia Spishak, Associate Administrator, Office of Policy and Program Analysis (OPPA), Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), USA  (Video)

Panel Session 2: Redesigning Systems for Resilience through Recovery:  Setting the Agenda for Advancing Building Back Better through 2030 

(14) Mr. Ramesh Subramaniam, Director General of the Southeast Asia Department, Asia Development Bank (ADB)  (Slides | Video)

(15) Mr. Jerry Fano, Head, Project Impact Analysis and Evaluation, Department of Public Works and Highways (Slides | Video)

(16) Ms. Sithembiso Gina, DRR Unit Senior Programme Officer, Southern African Development Community (Slides | Video)

(17) Mr. José Oliveira, National Director, National Directorate for Risk Prevention and Management, Government of Portugal (short recorded presentation) (Video)

Closing Session

(18) Ms. Paola Albrito, Chief of Branch, Intergovernmental processes, Interagency co-operation and Partnerships, United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (Video)

(19) Mr. MURAKAMI, Takeo, Director, Cabinet Office, Government of Japan, Co-Chair of the IRP Steering Committee (Video)



Document links last validated on: 19 January 2022

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