PDNA - Post Disaster Needs Assessments

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Evaluation rapide conjointe suite à la catastrophe des 9-10 février 2014 aux alentours de Bujumbura
Documents and publications
PDNA - Post Disaster Needs Assessments
The objective of this assessment is to determine the risk factors, damage and activities to contribute to the rehabilitation, reconstruction and safeguards of infrastructure following the floods of February 9-10, 2014 in Burundi.
Evaluation des Dommages, Pertes et Besoins Suite à la Sécheresse
Documents and publications
PDNA - Post Disaster Needs Assessments
The objective of the assessment was to highlight on the one hand the damage and losses caused by the drought in Djibouti but also and above all to identify the needs to deal with the consequences and find an environment close to the condition before 2008.
Post-Disaster Needs Assessment Tropical Cyclone Evan
Documents and publications
PDNA - Post Disaster Needs Assessments
This PDNA takes stock of physical damage to property, infrastructure, and productive assets as well as to account for losses resulting from the disruption of economic flows brought on by the 2012 Tropical Cyclone Evan.
Sudan  Rapid PDNA 2021
Documents and publications
PDNA - Post Disaster Needs Assessments
This rapid assessment outlines key actions needed for recovery from the 2020 floods in Sudan. The report documents the immense scale and damage of the floods and highlights the importance of preparedness to reduce the impacts and damages of future floods.
Croatia December 2020 Earthquake RDNA
Documents and publications
PDNA - Post Disaster Needs Assessments
This report provides a structured account of the sectoral, economic, and social impact of the earthquakes which struck Croatia between December 2020 and January 2021. It highlights key findings and provides recommendations for recovery and reconstruction.
Croatia Earthquake PDNA
Documents and publications
PDNA - Post Disaster Needs Assessments
This rapid damage and needs assessment report presents estimates for damage, loss, reconstruction and recovery from the March 2020 earthquake in Croatia, and supports recovery strategy planning and development of necessary frameworks for reconstruction.
Vanuatu PDNA 2020
Documents and publications
PDNA - Post Disaster Needs Assessments
The Vanuatu TC Harold and COVID-19 PDNA estimates the total compound impacts of TC Harold and COVID-19, identifies and quantifies needs across sectors, and supports the development of the Vanuatu Recovery Strategy 2020-2023.
Documents and publications
PDNA - Post Disaster Needs Assessments
This Rapid Damage and Needs Assessment (RDNA) estimates the impact on the population, physical assets, infrastructure and service delivery, following the explosions in the Port of Beirut in August 2020.
Global Rapid Post-Disaster Damage Estimation (GRADE) for Hunga Tonga–Hunga Haʻapai Volcanic Eruption
Documents and publications
PDNA - Post Disaster Needs Assessments
This is the Global Rapid Post-Disaster Damage Estimation report on the January 15 eruption, providing estimated costs of the physical damages caused by the volcanic eruption and tsunami.
Post Cyclone Gombe Mozambique
Documents and publications
PDNA - Post Disaster Needs Assessments
Tropical Cyclone Gombe, in March 2022, caused floods in Mozambique that damaged fishing and agriculture-based livelihoods. This report assesses the damage and identifies the most urgent needs with regard to the food and agriculture sector.

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