International Recovery Platform

24 -25 January 2024, Kobe, Japan

The International Recovery Forum 2024

Accelerating Progress with Building Back Better: Resilient Recovery in the Face of Rising Climate Risks

IRP Forum 2024

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Documents and publications
PDNA Guidance
Volume 2 guides the sectoral assessment team through the steps of conducting a Damage and Loss Assessment (DaLA). It describes simplified procedures for estimating the value of destroyed physical assets and changes or losses in the flows in the economy.
Documents and publications

This information paper gives a brief description of ongoing USAID/OFDA disaster risk reduction (DRR) programmes active in fiscal year 2009, grouped according to the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA) priority that the respective programme promotes. It

Documents and publications

This report tracks, monitors and evaluates achievements against OCHA’s planned activities in preparing for and responding to emergencies. It reports on progress in OCHA’s mission of mobilizing and coordinating effective and principled humanitarian action

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国際復興支援プラットフォーム(IRP)は『Build Back Better(より良い復興)』に関連する知識の集約及び経験と教訓を共有するためのグローバルなパートナーシップです。

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