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Items: 2001
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The normative dimensions of flood harm in flood risk management (FRM) have become salient in a milieu of extreme flood events. In this article, two types of flood harm will be discussed. They are namely, risk harm and outcome harm.
Journal of Flood Risk Management (Wiley)
Aligning NDCs with Green Recovery
The objective of this document is to present a step-by-step framework to support countries to design and assess green recovery and green economy options that build on NDC processes and incorporate climate action.
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
This month’s Manchester Briefing discusses co-production as a strategic method for the design and delivery of societal resilience.
University of Manchester
Cover of the guide "Disability-inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction (DiDRR)"
The primary objective of this tool is to guide Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and civil protection professionals to the practical information they need to ensure that their work is fully inclusive.
European Disability Forum
The ASEAN-UN Joint  Strategic  Plan of  Action on Disaster  Management  (JSAPDM)  IV 2021-2025 outlines  ASEAN  and  the  UN’s  mutual  intentions  and  commitments  to  continue  to  work  together, guided  by  the  strategies  and  priorities  incorporated  by  ASEAN  into  the AADMER  Work  Programme (2021-2025),  as  well  as  other  global  priorities  in  humanitarian  action.    The  JSPADM  IV  (2021-2025)  also  takes  into  account  the  implementation  results  of  the  JSPADM  III  (2016-2020)  and  its chartered  priority  areas  for  collaboration  in  support  of  the  AADMER Work  Programme  (20162020).  
Association of South East Asian Nations
With the aim to assist researchers and practitioners in advancing understanding of resilience in designing infrastructure systems, this systematic literature review synthesizes and complements existing knowledge on designing resilient vital infrastructure
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, the
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Case Study
This study aims to test a methodology for teaching people about the characteristics of each post-disaster phase concerning road infrastructure and business continuity.
Cardiff University Newcastle University Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
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The aim of the Enabling Gender-Responsive Disaster Recovery, Climate and Environmental Resilience in the Caribbean (EnGenDER) Project is to identify and address any gaps to ensure equal access to resilience, climate change and environment solutions.
United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) World Food Programme Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency UK Aid Government of Canada United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
This review submitted for the MTRSF presents a stocktaking of progress and challenges experienced in the BBB component of Priority 4, and a prospective review of new and emerging issues, priority challenges to be addressed, and priority actions.
International Recovery Platform
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This research on (in)visible communities confronting climate change and environmental injustice asks how climate-induced disasters intensify social inequities. This research shows that more equitable approaches to disaster preparation are possible.
Issues in Science and Technology

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