
Items: 184
Participatory Community Recovery Plan: Hama
The Hama community recovery plan is a result of a collective process that allowed local authorities and communities to develop capacities and work in a more intersectoral way.
United Nations Development Programme - Syria
The brief aims to guide UNDP staff and its partners by providing good practices for disability inclusion in disaster risk reduction and recovery, while promoting inclusive approaches that recognize and address the rights of persons with disabilities.
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Inclusive Rapid Need Assessment Report: Jajarkot and West -Rukum Earthquake
This is an inclusive Rapid Need Assessment (IRNA) to evaluate the status and requirements for 6.4 magnitude earthquake occurred in Jajarkot District in western Nepal .
Humanity & Inclusion
Shifting power through participation in post-disaster recovery: A scoping review
This scoping review examines the intersection of power and participation in post-disaster recovery.
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction (Elsevier)
Stronger Social Protection and Labor Systems in Central America
This is a report on Social Protection and Labor (SPL) Systems that help individuals and societies manage risk and volatility and protect them from poverty through instruments that address the challenges of resilience, equity and opportunity.
World Bank, the
This is the thematic review of gender equality and social inclusion in disaster risk reduction in Pacific Island countries submitted to UNDRR to inform the Midterm Review of the Sendai Framework 2015-2030.
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction - Regional Office for Asia and Pacific Institute for Sustainable Futures, UTS
Policy Actions for COVID-19 Economic Recovery: A Compendium of Policy Briefs, Volume 2
This is the second of two compendia of policy briefs highlights discussions, recommendations, and actionable insights for Southeast Asian countries and the People’s Republic of China as they pave the way for post-COVID-19 recovery.
Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Building Back Better - Practice review and knowledge-building for frontier Issues
Reports and analysis
This document provides a detailed review of the current state of knowledge and frontier issues related to building back better in recovery. This paper was developed to contribute to the dialogue at the July 2023 meeting of the G20 DRR Working Group.
Asian Development Bank (ADB) United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) International Recovery Platform Group of Twenty, the
This policy brief details the impact of this natural hazard on Syrians living under Temporary Protection in Türkiye and how it exacerbates their pre-existing precarious living conditions.
European University Institute
This is a testimony by the RAND Corporation before the Special Committee on Aging United States Senate.
RAND Corporation

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