Guidance for Disaster Recovery

The International Recovery Platform (IRP) provides a collection of comprehensive guidance for disaster recovery to help countries and communities develop effective recovery plans and strategies. These guidelines are designed to ensure that recovery efforts are sustainable, resilient, and inclusive.

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Guidance documents from IRP Steering Committee members.

Good Practices in Financing Recovery and Building Back Better
Documents and publications
Disaster Recovery Guidance
This recovery brief provides recovery practitioners with lessons and good practices on financing post-disaster recovery, recovery preparedness and building back better.
Documents and publications
Disaster Recovery Guidance
This document outlines UNDP’s approach to private sector recovery and development in crisis and post-crisis settings
Documents and publications
Disaster Recovery Guidance
This guidance note presents UNDP's updated approach to livelihoods and economic recovery programming in Fragile and Post-Crisis/Transition Settings (FACTS).
Cover ADB
Documents and publications
Disaster Recovery Guidance
This publication outlines why post-disaster needs assessments (PDNA) should provide comprehensive details of the economic and social impacts of disasters on countries to swiftly mobilize resources and support resilient recovery.
Toward More Gender-Inclusive Emergency Recovery Projects Responding to Natural Disasters : Sectoral Entry Points
Documents and publications
Disaster Recovery Guidance
The objective of this guidance note is to identify entry points for gender considerations in sectors typically financed by Emergency Recovery Projects.
Reopen, Recover and Resilience in Education: One Vision One Identity One Community Guidelines for ASEAN Countries
Documents and publications
Disaster Recovery Guidance
These guidelines are intended to help Member States of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) to reopen schools and keep them open for safe in-person education.
COVID-19 Response and Recovery Guidelines ASEAN
Policies and plans
Disaster Recovery Guidance
The Guidelines were designed to support ASEAN Member States in establishing their regional and national transport connectivity recovery plans with a focus on resilience and sustainability.
Urban recovery framework
Documents and publications
Disaster Recovery Guidance
This is the Urban Recovery Framework that aims to create an enabling environment for more effective recovery in urban areas, affected by natural or man-made crises, including conflict.


Good Practices in Financing Recovery and Building Back Better
Documents and publications
Disaster Recovery Guidance
This recovery brief provides recovery practitioners with lessons and good practices on financing post-disaster recovery, recovery preparedness and building back better.
Documents and publications
Disaster Recovery Guidance
This document outlines UNDP’s approach to private sector recovery and development in crisis and post-crisis settings
Documents and publications
Disaster Recovery Guidance
This guidance note presents UNDP's updated approach to livelihoods and economic recovery programming in Fragile and Post-Crisis/Transition Settings (FACTS).
Cover ADB
Documents and publications
Disaster Recovery Guidance
This publication outlines why post-disaster needs assessments (PDNA) should provide comprehensive details of the economic and social impacts of disasters on countries to swiftly mobilize resources and support resilient recovery.
Equitable Recovery Guide
Documents and publications
Disaster Recovery Guidance
This guide provides a framework and actionable strategies for local leaders to ensure an inclusive and equitable recovery process following a disaster, with a focus on addressing the needs of all community members.
Toward More Gender-Inclusive Emergency Recovery Projects Responding to Natural Disasters : Sectoral Entry Points
Documents and publications
Disaster Recovery Guidance
The objective of this guidance note is to identify entry points for gender considerations in sectors typically financed by Emergency Recovery Projects.
Reopen, Recover and Resilience in Education: One Vision One Identity One Community Guidelines for ASEAN Countries
Documents and publications
Disaster Recovery Guidance
These guidelines are intended to help Member States of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) to reopen schools and keep them open for safe in-person education.
COVID-19 Response and Recovery Guidelines ASEAN
Policies and plans
Disaster Recovery Guidance
The Guidelines were designed to support ASEAN Member States in establishing their regional and national transport connectivity recovery plans with a focus on resilience and sustainability.

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