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This research report is concerned with the purpose of disseminating experience and lessons learned from the East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami (EJET) to help strengthen disaster resilience of disaster prone regions in Japan and the world. It focuses on different aspects of disaster risk reduction (DRR) and environmental management.
Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies, Kyoto University 地球環境学堂・地球環境学舎・三才学林 Church World Service - Asia/Pacific MERCY Malaysia

This brochure illustrates lessons and challenges learned from UNDP activities in disaster risk reduction (DRR), recovery and reconstruction. Its goal is to further the understanding of the role of UN agencies, including the UNDP, and the role of the

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Japan - government

This act creates provisions for dealing with the management of state emergencies and rescues. Specific disaster risk reduction provisions include: article 5(a) which defines prevention in relation to an emergency, and includes the identification of

Australia - government

An act to establish strategies and systems for the management of emergencies. Section 27 of the act deals with recovery operations. Other sections dealing with functions related to disaster risk management include section 9(1)(g), section 15, section 22(1

Australia - government

This law prescribes the basics for the organization of seismic protection in the Republic of Armenia and regulates the provisions connected with them. Specific disaster risk reduction provisions include: chapter 4 which covers assessment and reduction of

Armenia - government

This agreement establishes a framework for both Canada and the United States to strengthen cooperation in order to more effectively prepare for, prevent, protect against, respond to, recover from and mitigate such events. Specific provisions related to

Government of Canada United States of America - government

This report presents a system-level mapping and analysis of the performance of international humanitarian assistance. Section 4.3.2 focuses on preparedness, disaster risk reduction and the rise of resilience. This section highlights positives and

Active Learning Network for Accountability and Performance
This knowledge note addresses the transition between emergency FM to community FM radios in Japan following the devastation brought by the March 11, 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake, which destroyed the regional disaster prevention emergency communication. It explains that temporary emergency FM stations broadcasted detailed local information so that tsunami advisory and warning could reach the residents, but that they had to become community FM in order to continue broadcast after their operational expiration date.
Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies, Kyoto University 地球環境学堂・地球環境学舎・三才学林 International Environment and Disaster Management MERCY Malaysia Church World Service City of Natori
This publication provides a compilation of 25 case studies of schools from 12 countries affected by 6 different hazards in an effort to understand the recovery processes of schools from natural disasters. It links the recovery lessons to the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA) in the education sector (E-HFA) through sixteen tasks that constitute a framework for the integrated approach of disaster risk reduction in schools. It goes beyond the school building or education, and looks at the comprehensive way of disaster risk reduction in the education sector.
Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies, Kyoto University 地球環境学堂・地球環境学舎・三才学林 International Environment and Disaster Management

This factsheet presents the results of a project being implemented in partnership with Serbia's Ministry of Interior to strengthen the country's disaster risk reduction (DRR) system and increase disaster resilience through improved implementation of the

United Nations Development Programme - Serbia

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