La ley núm. 20.444 que crea el fondo nacional de la reconstrucción y establece mecanismos de incentivo tributario a las donaciones efectuadas en caso de catástrofe, dicho fondo está destinado a financiar la construcción, reconstrucción, reposición
The policy covers the broad subjects of vulnerability assessment, mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery, which constitute “comprehensive disaster management”.
Disaster risk management in East Asia and the Pacific, working paper series no. 24:
This note explores some of the underlying issues that are linked to gender and vulnerability to natural disasters and offers examples of how to address some of these
This informal discussion paper provides an overview of the three sub-topics on disaster laws proposed for the 31st International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent (International Conference), to be convened in Geneva, from 28 November to 1
Esta edición del Boletín Actualidad CRID publica información sobre (i) el nuevo acuerdo firmado por el CRID y la Federación Internacional de Sociedades de la Cruz Roja y de la Media Luna Roja (FICR) para el desarrollo de actividades en Haití
As Pakistan faces another monsoon season and the likelihood of more disasters, the country is not prepared, asserts this paper. Many factors which have hampered the relief and reconstruction effort are still present, such as an
This article summarises diagrams which are used to discuss the key elements of disaster risk management (DRM). These include the Disaster Risk Management Cycle (DRMC), and the Effective Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) diagram. The DRMC outlines the key initiatives carried out both in the Emergency Response and the Recovery Stages of a disaster; the effective DRR diagram suggests that there are five complementary factors which constitute DRR, one of these being DRM initiatives. The paper also includes a DRM planning diagram, which illustrates how government DRM plans, particularly at lowest levels, are complemented by NGO community Based Disaster Risk Management (CBDRM) initiatives.
This document outlines the preliminary observations of the Great East Japan Earthquake of 11 March 2011 (GLIDE number: EQ-2011-000028-JPN) including: its type, hypocenter, magnitude; the subsequent tsunami; effects of the earthquake and tsunami in terms of human casualties and economic damage; the disaster affected area; disaster preparedness measures; pre-disaster measures, including non-structural measures; and recovery efforts.