El libro permite de manera simplificada e ilustrativa resumir diez años de esfuerzos en la gestión del riesgo y de respuesta a desastres, como un aporte más a los avances en el conocimiento del tema en Centroamérica, y contribuir de esa manera
Recopilación de Herramientas para la Gestión Local del Riesgo, realizada por el Programa de las Naciones Unidas para los Asentamientos Humanos, UN-Habitat con el apoyo del International Development Research Centre – IDRC (Canadá), en el marco
This briefing paper provides a distillation of the learning from thirty years of humanitarian response to earthquakes, looking at preparedness, relief and recovery. The paper is intended for operational decision-makers and relief programme managers
This guide outlines the construction and maintenance of defensive structures and discusses how current disaster prevention and emergency response planning can be improved by using research on past tsunamis.
This policy aims to guide government objectives and strategies in order to guarantee the security and safety of Timor-Leste's citizens and their property and to safeguard its natural resources against natural or human-induced disasters.
This paper begins by reviewing pre-disaster restoration concepts, then focus on Tokyo as an example of municipalities introducing pre-disaster restoration and includes remarks on projected pre-disaster restoration.
This guide first lays out the relevant building codes in force in Colombia for small and medium scale construction projects. Subsequent sections discuss factors affecting earthquake vulnerability of masonry structures and mitigation strategies, factors in
Drawing "mental maps" of their former home and life spaces can have long-lasting benefits, especially for children. Not only is it a therapeutic activity for them related to the recent pains, but it is also about overcoming the losses of home space and
In this document, NDMA emphasises the contingency process as a preparedness measure for response to natural hazards. Following contingency planning for winter hazards, this exercise focuses on planning for the oncoming monsoon season to identify and
This Post Disaster Needs Assessment estimates the total damages and identifies immediate needs for rehabilitation and reconstruction in Haiti following the 2008 storms Gustav, Hanna, Ike and Fay.