Guidance for Disaster Recovery

The International Recovery Platform (IRP) provides a collection of comprehensive guidance for disaster recovery to help countries and communities develop effective recovery plans and strategies. These guidelines are designed to ensure that recovery efforts are sustainable, resilient, and inclusive.

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Guidance documents from IRP Steering Committee members.

Documents and publications
Disaster Recovery Guidance
This note highlights the critical contribution that social protection can make to a broader disaster recovery effort by providing assistance directly to disaster-affected households.
Documents and publications
Disaster Recovery Guidance
This compendium compiles good practices on post disaster recovery, to disseminate and highlight the work and recovery processes that are being carried out in different countries of the Africa, Asia, ECIS and LAC regions.
Documents and publications
Disaster Recovery Guidance
The CURE Framework draws from existing frameworks and tools for reconstruction and recovery in urban settings. It seeks to knit together people-centered and place-based approaches to produce integrated policies that share a common cultural thread.
Documents and publications
Disaster Recovery Guidance
This guide informs Governments, United Nations agencies, International NGO's, the Private Sector and other stakeholders on how to engage communities in every step of the recovery process.
practical lessons for recovery from the covid-19 pandemic
Documents and publications
Disaster Recovery Guidance
This publication offers a set of guiding, action-oriented principles and practical cases to support recovering communities as they plan and implement recovery.
COVID-19 Recovery Policy Brief
Documents and publications
Disaster Recovery Guidance
This brief is offered to define the COVID-19 recovery context and to supplement existing guidance with key principles and practices to guide recovery planning.
Compendium of good practice on post disaster recovery in the Latin America and Caribbean Region
Documents and publications
Disaster Recovery Guidance
This compendium presents good practices in post-disaster recovery in Latin America and the Caribbean in order to spread and highlight the work and recovery processes taking place in different countries of the region.
Documents and publications
Disaster Recovery Guidance
This document is aimed at decision makers to increase the level of knowledge about technical assistance and operationalise its implementation, ensuring the reconstruction of housing in disaster-affected communities results in sustainably safer housing.


Handbook on Owner driven housing reconstruction
Documents and publications
Disaster Recovery Guidance
This Handbook serves to guide post-disaster housing reconstruction using an owner-driven housing reconstruction (ODHR) approach. It details the various processes, tasks and interventions involved in designing and managing ODHR programmes.
Handbook on Recovery Institutions
Documents and publications
Disaster Recovery Guidance
This guidebook is a planning tool to design, manage and assess recovery following a disaster. It describes institutional options, successful characteristics and management lessons based on real-world experience with disaster recovery operations.
Disability-inclusive Disaster Recovery
Documents and publications
Disaster Recovery Guidance
This Guidance Note provides action-oriented guidance for government officials and decision-makers with responsibility for post-disaster recovery and reconstruction and will enable the development of disability-inclusive planning and programming.
Documents and publications
Disaster Recovery Guidance
This Guidance Note provides action-oriented guidance to local and national government officials, key decision-makers and other stakeholders on ways to encourage, enable and facilitate successful private sector participation in post-disaster recovery.
Documents and publications
Disaster Recovery Guidance
This note highlights the critical contribution that social protection can make to a broader disaster recovery effort by providing assistance directly to disaster-affected households.
Documents and publications
Disaster Recovery Guidance
The Technical Note on Overall Operational Guidance provides further elaboration on the guidance and tools introduced in chapter three of the CURE position paper, ‘Implementing the CURE Framework.’
Documents and publications
Disaster Recovery Guidance
This compendium compiles good practices on post disaster recovery, to disseminate and highlight the work and recovery processes that are being carried out in different countries of the Africa, Asia, ECIS and LAC regions.
Documents and publications
Disaster Recovery Guidance
The CURE Framework draws from existing frameworks and tools for reconstruction and recovery in urban settings. It seeks to knit together people-centered and place-based approaches to produce integrated policies that share a common cultural thread.

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