Economics of DRR

Items: 324

This document questions how much less the cost of rehabilitating water and sanitation systems might have been if public investment projects and management of urban utilities (companies in charge of the water and sanitation provision), had incorporated

World Bank, the
This document provides a sensible set of guidelines for deciding what should be rebuilt and where. It states that a concept of "disaster reduction" will be paramount in reconstruction. Based on this concept, preparations for disaster must be made from the perspectives of prioritizing efforts to ensure that even if disaster strikes it will not result in the loss of human life, and also working to minimize economic damage as much as possible. It further asserts that Japan should also engage in thorough disaster prevention education founded on the fundamental concept of "escape" and develop hazard maps.
Japan - government

This report provides detailed information on early and long-term recovery needs and priorities, e.g. through building resilience thanks to disaster risk reduction strategies and policies. This document uses the example of the state of Queensland which

World Bank, the
This study examines the economic and social consequences of the 17 August 1999 earthquake, known as the Izmit earthquake, which affected a third of Turkey's total population and caused substantial human and material losses.
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR)

This publication describes the core activities of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), including the active role played in reconstruction efforts as well as in disaster risk

Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, Federal Department of Foreign Affairs
This year, the Great East Japan Earthquake is the focus of the Japan Cabinet Office white paper.
Cabinet Office (Japan) 内閣府
This document outlines the preliminary observations of the Great East Japan Earthquake of 11 March 2011 (GLIDE number: EQ-2011-000028-JPN) including: its type, hypocenter, magnitude; the subsequent tsunami; effects of the earthquake and tsunami in terms of human casualties and economic damage; the disaster affected area; disaster preparedness measures; pre-disaster measures, including non-structural measures; and recovery efforts.
Asian Disaster Reduction Center International Recovery Platform

This report examines the response to the Pakistan floods of 2010. It states that the frequency and severity of natural disasters are predicted to increase. Along with increases in population, especially in urban centres, the number of fatalities and the

Parliament of the United Kingdom
This report, published two weeks after the Great East Japan (Tohoku-Kanto) earthquake and tsunami, provides a synthesis of certain existing data and a basic situation analysis of the situation. It considers the major challenge posed to the disaster risk reduction community by: (i) the earthquake; (ii) the tsunami; (ii) the ongoing nuclear emergency; and (iv) the fires, in terms of damage to (v) human life and (vi) infrastructure. It then focuses on the after event period, especially on the search and rescue operation, as well as on shelters. It also considers the economic impact and the work of volunteers.
Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies, Kyoto University 地球環境学堂・地球環境学舎・三才学林
This special report analyses the situation in Japan following the 8.9 earthquake which spawned one of the most powerful tsunamis on record. It states that Japan is among the best prepared countries in the world regarding earthquakes with quake-resistant buildings, drills for school children and households equipped with survival kits. It specifically addresses the attempt to avert a meltdown at a stricken nuclear reactor and the expected colossal economic damage.
Thomson Reuters

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