Economics of DRR

Items: 324

This publication is a collection of contributions from presentations given at the International Disaster and Risk Conference IDRC Davos 2008 aimed at underlining the importance of strong links between the risk management community and the public and

Global Risk Forum

This paper addresses multi-donor trust funds as important instruments for resource mobilization, policy dialogue, and risk and information management in order to enhance aid effectiveness by reducing transaction costs and by mitigating the high risk

World Bank, the
PDNA Guidance
This guideline illustrates how to derive financial needs for recovery and reconstruction, following a sector by sector damage and loss assessment. It also explains how to formulate a calendar of investments and identify distribution channels for funding.
World Bank, the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery, the (GFDRR)
PDNA Guidance
Volume 2 guides the sectoral assessment team through the steps of conducting a Damage and Loss Assessment (DaLA). It describes simplified procedures for estimating the value of destroyed physical assets and changes or losses in the flows in the economy.
World Bank, the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery, the (GFDRR)
PDNA Guidance
This guideline supports World Bank Task Team Leaders (TTLs) with the design and execution of assessments to determine disaster impacts and post-disaster needs for recovery, reconstruction and disaster risk reduction.
World Bank, the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery, the (GFDRR)

This policy brief presents the Haiti earthquake as an opportunity to correct past mistakes and promote a more strategic and inclusive policy vision aiming to move the Haitian economy from recovery to a more sustainable economic growth and development path

United Nations Conference on Trade and Development

This document describes the World Bank’s International Development Association (IDA) support to disaster risk management, including major financing for post-disaster recovery, investments in preventing and mitigating disaster impacts and analytical work

World Bank, the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery, the (GFDRR)
A system-level mapping and assessment of international humanitarian assistance. Current efforts to increase humanitarian engagement and investment in disaster risk reduction (DRR) should reap future benefits in terms of improved preparedness and more timely, efficient and locally grounded responses.
Active Learning Network for Accountability and Performance

IDB working paper series # IDB-WP-124:

This paper summarizes the state of the economic literature examining the aggregate impact of disasters. The paper reviews the main disaster data sources available, discusses the determinants of the direct effects

Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)
Case Study
This handbook offers a menu of best practice tools for preventing and detecting corruption in humanitarian operations that includes ways to track resources, confront extortion and detect aid diversion.
Transparency International

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